Families First is fortunate to have a very competent professional staff. We have made a concerted effort to improve the educational level of all staff and to provide extensive training in early childhood to both staff and volunteers who facilitate parenting groups. Great work requires great people and we think ours are some of the best!
Meet our Staff
Pictured left to right – Our Favorite Quotes
Katrina Randleas – Program Supervisor
“Slowly I have come to see that asking, listening, and accepting are a profound form of doing.”
Valeen Storm – Family Support Specialist/Parent Educator
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Kitman Kienzle – Childcare Coordinator
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything.”
Abby Teel – Family Support Specialist/Parent Educator
“One of the most beautiful things about who you are right now is all versions of you that kept going so you could get here.”
Teresa Aasness – Executive Director/Program Manager
“If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”
Megan Nordstrom – Family Support Specialist/Administrative Assistant
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Officers & Executive Committee
Chris Northway, BS
Juniper Ridge SRTF Facility Administrator
Kristen Walz, BS
North Fork John Day Watershed
Teresa Aasness, appointee
Beth Simonsen, BS
Heart of Grant County
Brittany Finley – IMESD Early Childhood Special Education
Early Intervention Specialist
Kim Smith
Community Counseling Solutions
Baker Charter Schools, Teacher
Wendy Burril, MS
Grant County ESD
Special Education Director
Teresa Aasness, BS, PE
Executive Director-Families First